NATO Shipping Centre: Weekly Piracy Update


With the removal of NAHAM 3 there are currently no vessels being held by pirates in the HOA region, however there are at least 50 hostages remaining in various locations. During the past week there have been indications of pirate activity ashore. (NFI) This activity could be in anticipation of the inter monsoon season which will bring more favourable conditions for small boats, skiffs and fishing throughout the Somali Basin. Furthermore, such activity is a reminder that the pirates retain a capability and intent to conduct acts of piracy.

In the near term the forecast for small boat / skiff operations is unfavourable along the East Coast of Somalia extending from the tip of the Horn of Africa down through the Somali Basin. By late September there should be indications of the transition to the inter-monsoon season, which will provide more favourable conditions for small boats and fishing activities in the Somali Basin / West Coast of Somalia. These conditions will last until the North East Monsoon begins, historically around Mid-November. Small boat activity may be observed earlier than this in the more prominent fishing areas and Coastal waters depending on the local conditions.

It is the ship Masters’ responsibility to conform with the standard operating procedures for reporting possible acts of piracy to UKMTO as primary point of contact in according with BMP4. A reminder that without providing this information in a timely manner, UKMTO, MSC HOA and NSC cannot pass data onto warships in the region. Delays in reporting incidents increase the search area and therefore decrease the likelihood of investigating and/or capturing possible pirates. It is recognized that the Gulf of Aden and the Bab el Mandeb is a very difficult environment in which to distinguish benign activity from that of potential pirates however a clear and timely flow of information is critical.

Standing Guidance

Regional Considerations:


Masters are advised to remain vigilant at all times inside the High Risk Area (HRA) and follow the guidance and protective measures, as set down in BMP4.

Sailing yachts

Sailing yatchs should avoid transiting the HRA. Past activity has shown that pirates will attack both large and small yachts passing their way. Despite the fact that attacks on merchant vessels appear to have decreased, the possibility of attacks and the successful pirating of sailing vessels remains likely due to their vulnerability and the reduction of revenue sources from pirated merchant vessels.


There have been a number of incidents reported to counter-piracy organisations in the HRA involving small craft approaches on merchant vessels.

When reporting, information should be complete, in particular reports to include any piracy related equipment /weapons (ladders/RPGs). Many of these incidents have been assessed as non-piracy related activity and are associated with common patterns of life in the area. These activities include fishing, small vessel trade, smuggling and other local vessel movements.

Fishing activities – possible mix up with piracy

Fishing vessels may approach merchant ships to maximize fishing opportunities or to safeguard fishing nets which have been set. Furthermore fishermen in the region regularly carry small arms onboard their vessels, so the visual identification of a small arm is not a positive indicator of pirates. It is not uncommon for fishing vessels to follow merchant and large vessels in order to capitalise on the often increased numbers of fish in the resultant wake. Please note that, if the NATO Shipping no faxing cash advance payday loans Centre assesses an approach or incident to be piracy-related, we will issue relevant warnings. Please see further information on NSC webpage The Dhow and Skiff Recognition Guide


Southwest monsoon conditions continue to influence the operating areas, with the exception of the GOA which is somewhat sheltered from the predominant winds. Overall the winds and sea state make conditions unsuitable for small craft operations throughout the region as the Southwest Monsoon season remains in effect.

Piracy Threat:

The threat of piracy against merchant shipping continues throughout the HRA. Successful disruptions by naval forces, in conjunction with masters’ adherence and implementation of BMP4, have significantly reduced the pirates’ ability to capture vessels. Pirates retain capability of conducting acts of piracy against vessels of opportunity.

Pirate Tactics:

Pirate Attack Groups (PAGs) have made “soft-approaches” on merchant ships transiting the HRA. Skiffs have been known to approach vessels in order to probe the reaction of the crew and any possible Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) onboard. If the pirate approach does not elicit a response, the pirates may then proceed with an attack, using additional skiffs. However, the use of BMP4 and the reaction of PCASP has recently been effective in warning off any small boats which might otherwise have had close contact with the transiting vessel.

Continued Vigilance and the use of BMP:

It is imperative that merchant vessels remain vigilant at all times in transit and/or at anchorage and fully implement protection measures set down in BMP4 across the whole High Risk Area (HRA) as it can make the critical difference of being approached, attacked, or pirated. NSC would like to remind masters that BMP4 highly recommends maintaining best possible vessel speed when transiting the HRA to deter pirate boardings.

Registration & Incident Reporting:

As per Section 5 of BMP4, early registration with MSCHOA before entering the HRA and initial and regular reporting to UKMTO are highly recommended to ensure military authorities are aware of a vessel’s passage and vulnerabilities.

It has been observed that some Masters are choosing to phone their Company Security Officer (CSO) first in the event of a piracy incident. However, one of the fundamental requirements of BMP4 is that UKMTO is the primary point of contact for merchant vessels during piracy incidents in the HRA. This aims to avoid unnecessary delay and prevent inaccurate or incomplete information from reaching military commanders. CSOs should ensure their ships’ security plans reinforce the BMP4 recommendation that UKMTO be immediately telephoned at +971 50 55 23215 in the event of any piracy activity. UKMTO will then make it a priority to contact the CSO with any information received whilst ensuring the relevant information reaches the military commanders without delay. Masters should provide as much accurate information as possible. This will ensure the incident can be fully assessed and information is quickly provided to other ships in the area for their awareness and vigilance.

Masters should provide as much information as possible about the incident. If Masters are able to take pictures and/or video of the suspicious activity safely, please provide these via email to UKMTO at, NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) at or MSCHOA at This information will be used by Counter Piracy forces. Pictures supplied from an attack on a merchant vessel have previously led to the rapid release of a pirated dhow.






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