Speedboat with immigrants from Sudan capsized in Papua


Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA News) – Fourteen of the 23 immigrants from Sudan whose speedboat capsized in Torasi river in Merauke, Papua, on August 14 are still missing.

The spokesman of the navy main base in Merauke, Captain Guruh, said here on Tuesday nine of the boat passengers were safe but 14 others were missing.

He said the immigrants were believed to seek a political asylum.

“The nine immigrants who are safe have come to the navy monitoring post in Torasi to report about the incident,” he said to ANTARA by phone.

Upon hearing their report navy soldiers in the post along with the local people then searched them.

“Until now however their fate is still unknown,” he said.

He said the nine immigrants would soon be handed over to the local immigration office.

He said on Sunday the navy ordered its KRI Mulga 832 ship to go to Torasi and on Monday it also sent another ship to carry the nine immigrants from Torasi to Merauke



Source: http://antaranews.com/



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