8 Myanmarese fishermen cremated


The North Sumatra Immigration Office in cooperation with the Vihara Buddha Murni Foundation cremated the bodies of eight Myanmar fishermen who died in a brawl with Rohingya refugees last week at the immigration detention center.

No relatives or Myanmar Embassy representatives attended the cremation in Medan. However, North Sumatra Immigration Office head Rostanov said the Myanmar Embassy in Jakarta had given the green light for the cremations.

North Sumatra’s Law and Human Rights’ intelligence desk head Sabarita Ginting said the ashes would be kept at the crematorium until the embassy gave further instructions.

The Myanmar fishermen were identified as Aye Win, Myo Oo, San Lwin,

Aung Thu Win, Aung Than, Min-Min, Win Tun and Nawe. They died in a brawl with the Rohingya refugees after the refugees accused them of sexual harassing one of their female compatriots.

Sabarita said the three surviving Myanmarese fishermen had been escorted to the immigration facility in Jakarta for safety reasons



Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/



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