58 Fishing Vessels Conduct Violation

JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry stated along 2014, there were 58 vessels conducting violation. Those vessels consist of 23 Indonesian fishing vessels (KII), 16 foreign fishing vessels (KIA), and the rest is from the catch of other institutions including the-protected manta ray trade arrestment.

KP Ministry’s Maritime and Fishery Resource Patrol (PSDKP) Director General, Asep Burhanuddin, explained tens of the vessels were detained through the investigation of 2,044 fishing vessels comprising 2,028 KII and 16 KIA. It has achieved PSDKP’s target since the number of officer conducting patrol is very low. “Patrol operation in 2014 has reached the expected performance. This patrol is expected to bring impact to people’s welfare improvement and KP resource preservation,” said Asep in PSDKP 2014 Reflection and 2015 Outlook in Jakarta on Monday (1/12).

Moreover, Asep explained besides detaining illegal fishing vessels, his office also actively monitor KP Minister’s strategic policies in from of KP Minister’s Regulation No 56/PERMEN-KP/2014 about captured fishery business permit moratorium in Indonesian fishery management, No 57/PERMEN-KP/2014 about transshipment prohibition, and No 58/ PERMEN-KP/2014 about KP Ministry’s employee discipline regulation in conducting moratorium and transshipment prohibition.

The active role is conducted by improving patrol at port when vessels will conduct activities for example, the arrestment of 4,306-GT Panama-flagged MV HAI FA conducting fishing activity without fishing vessel operational permit.

“We were informed in Tual, MV HAI FA entered Wanam on December 27th 2014 without operational permit. It only had sailing permit and turned off its vessel monitoring system (VMS). Then, the vessel carrying 900,702 kilograms of mixed fish and frozen shrimp was driven to Indonesia Navy’s Ambon Lantamal IX berth,” Asep explained.

To improve patrol, Asep admitted his office has signed cooperation deal with Indonesian Navy over Law Enforcement and Patrol Improvement in Maritime and Fishery Sector. Moreover, PSDKP and Attorney General Office have formed three fishery courts in Ambon, Sorong, and Merauke on December 11th 2014. “Besides conducting repressive efforts using patrol vessels, prevention efforts are also conducted through socialization, fisherman training, vessel inspection in land/port before and after capturing fishes, VMS monitoring, fish processing unit inspection, fish distribution at markets, and fish culture,” he said. (Investor Daily)

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