3 suspicious deaths on coal carrier Sage Sagittarius


The tragic accident happened onboard the coal carrier Sage Sagittarius. For a third time a man is dead in interval of 6 weeks.
The vicitim is Kosaku Monji 37. He was on the ship on October 6 when it was unloading a cargo of Newcastle coal in the Japanese port of Kudamatsu. Then arrives back ini Newcastle.
It is supposed that the victim had been crushed in a conveyor belt.

Why is this suspicious? Investigations will answer this question.
The first victim was a Filipino chief cook who disappeared off the Queensland coast 2 months ago. 2 weeks after the first tragic incident ship’s chief engineer, Hector Collado, 55, died in Newcastle.
All people part of the crew were deeply shocked and they were sent home by the shipping company.

Nippon Yusen Kaisha will investigate the incident with closer cooperation with Newcastle and Sydney staff.






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