28 Online Resources for Maritime Piracy and Somali Pirates


With the increase in piracy at the sea, especially around the coast of Somalia, several maritime organizations and defense agencies have started providing online updates on events related to maritime piracy that are taking place around the world.

Governing authorities have also realized the importance of educating seafarers on issues related to maritime security and piracy. From pioneer governing agencies like the International Maritime Organization to security firms providing anti-piracy solutions, everyone provides their insights and views online on contemporary issues related to maritime security near the coast of Somalia.

In this article, we have presented twenty eight online resources which would help those who seek to understand the issue of piracy at sea and also the shipping professionals seeking guidance and help regarding the same.

The list also includes websites of authorities providing security along the coast of Somalia, live piracy maps, and piracy reporting contact numbers.

Maritime Piracy Resources

1.   Piracy Guidance from International Maritime Organization (IMO) – Circulars, codes, and resolutions by IMO

2. IMO Piracy Resources – Resources on Maritime Piracy by IMO

3.   NATO Shipping Centre – Information from NATO Naval forces for maritime security

4.   Live Piracy Report from ICC – Information on piracy events as and when they happen

5.   Maritime Security Council – The non-profit organization for security of maritime industry

6.   Save Our Seafarers – The campaign to save seafarers from sea piracy

7.  RECAAP – The regional cooperation agreement on combating piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia.

8.   INTERCARGO – Piracy – Piracy Briefing from INTERCARGO

10.  Maritime Piracy – Humanitarian Response – Program to help seafarers and their families affected by piracy attacks

11.  EUNAVFOR – Project Atlanta – The operation to protect vessels operating near Somalia

12.  International Chamber of Shipping – Piracy resources from International chamber of shipping

13.  NAVAREA III Warnings (Mediterranean Sea) – Piracy warning in Mediterranean Sea

14.  NAVAREA VIII Warnings (North Indian Ocean) – Piracy warning in North Indian Ocean

15.  NAVAREA IX Warnings (Red Sea/ Arabian Sea/ Persian Gulf) – Piracy warning in Red Sea/ Arabian Sea/ Persian Gulf

16.  BIMCO (Members only) – Piracy information for BIMCO members

17.  Pirat – A Project on Piracy and Maritime Terrorism as a Challenge for Maritime Trade Security

18.  International Maritime Crimes – Great resources from International Maritime Crimes – Center for International Law

19.  Agent C – Employing Computational Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization to Fight Maritime Piracy

20.  MERLN – Piracy resources compiled by The National Defense University

21.  Piracy- Europe – Conferences on combating piracy

22.  Civil Military Fusion Center – Anti-piracy reports

23.  Piracy Reports (Paid) – Paid reports on maritime piracy from RAND Corporation

24.  Best management practices for protection against Somalia based piracy – A report by International chamber of commerce (ICC)

25.  24 Hours Maritime Security hotline – 24 hours maritime security hotline from ICC

26.  Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa – Provides service to mariners in piracy affected areas

27.  Sea Sentinel – Lloyds Register Fairplay service for ports, security & risk information (Paid)

28.  UK – P&I Club Piracy Resource – Piracy resource from UK P&I Club


If you think we have missed any important resource on maritime piracy, then please let us know and we would add it to the list.




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