22 hostages released from Royal Grace


Royal Grace was hijacked 1 year (2nd March 2012) ago by Somali pirates. The Panama registered chemical tanker officers and crew members now are free. Maybe a ransom has been paid for their release.

Details are expected to be announced soon but it is known that the hostages were from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria.

Over 100 hostages are in Somali waters. 16 on the M/V Albedo (in pirate hands for 2 years), 26 on M/S Symri(11 months), 3 dhows and 3 fishing vessels.

An announcement from anti-piracy advocacy group saveourseafarers: “The release of these captive seafarers is to be celebrated after such an appalling length of illegal and inhuman captivity. We fervently hope that the other hostages will follow them to freedom very soon.”

There is a significant drop in the pirate attacks in the last months but Somali pirates are still active. Vessels should be cautious in danger areas.

The group also informed: “These releases will come as no comfort to those still being held. This iniquitous criminality has to stop! Remaining vigilant and prepared for pirate attacks is costing the world economy billions of pounds”



Source: http://www.vesselfinder.com/




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