• OCTOBER 4, 2013
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    Peru Hosts World Maritime Day Parallel Event

    Peru has hosted the 2013 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event, on 2 and 3 October 2013, with a seminar and other activities, focusing on this year’s World Maritime Day theme: “Sustainable Development: IMO’s contribution beyond Rio+20″”. The parallel event was attended by representatives from the maritime community in Peru, South America and the rest

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    • OCTOBER 3, 2013
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    Operators need to improve efficiency

    A business leader has warned that Indonesia needs to urgently improve efficiency at its major ports in the face of increased competition in the shipping and logistics industry in Southeast Asia. Accenture Indonesia managing director for products Soo-ho Choi said on Tuesday that the trend in the shipping and logistics business was now shifting from

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    • OCTOBER 3, 2013
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    Indonesia touted as transhipment base

      Jakarta: As Singapore’s port capacity gets squeezed Indonesia has an opportunity to take on a transhipment role, especially for the transpacific trades, a researcher at Delft University has claimed. Ronald Apriliyanto Halim told local media yesterday: “Based on the current international trade development, Indonesia has the potential to be active in global maritime network

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    • OCTOBER 3, 2013
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    The Worlds Fastest Ship Built in Tasmania is Christened by Argentinas President

      A few hours ago in Buenos Aires the President of Argentina, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner became the “Godmother” to a vessel built in Australia. Named Francisco in honour of the Argentine born Pope, the 99 metre World’s Fastest Ship, and the first large dual fuel high speed Ro-Ro to use LNG as its primary

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    • OCTOBER 3, 2013
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    Captain and Officers Refuse to Leave Sinking Ship

      Anafarta cargo ship started sinking after sustained damages due to excavating the sea bottom for sand with the backhoe loader. Accident with the Turkey-flagged cargo ship occurred on Riva Kupelitas point, south-west of Istanbul. The captain of the cargo ship, which was started to take on water, made a distress call to Vessel Traffic

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    • OCTOBER 2, 2013
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    Chinese Sailor Arrested in Japan after Deadly Collision

    Best bounus online casinosp> According to Japanese maritime officials, a Chinese seafarer was arrested after the tragic accident between 2 cargo vessels. At the time of the tragic collision between the Eifuku Maru No 18 and the Siera Leone-flagged vessel Jia Hui, when 5 Japanese seafarers lost their lives and another is still missing, on

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    • OCTOBER 2, 2013
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    Indonesian piracy scourge has not spread to Malaysia

    Kuala Lumpur: Despite neighbour Indonesia surpassing Somalia in becoming the piracy hotspot in the world in 2013, Malaysian authorities are adamant that the scourge has not spread into its own territorial waters. Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) criminal investigation branch director First Admiral Datuk Zulkifili Abu Bakar said no pirate activity was reported in the

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