• JULY 8, 2013
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    IMO Secretary–General Visits Apostleship of the Sea

      On Thursday, July 4, IMO Secretary–General  Mr. Koji Sekimizu joined Tilbury’s Apostleship of the Sea port chaplain, Deacon Paul Glock and National Director Martin Foley, for some ship visiting and to see first-hand the work of seafarers’ charity Apostleship of the Sea. Together they visited two container ships that were in the port that

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    • JULY 8, 2013
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    Sunken Tugboat Successfully Salvaged from St. Marys River [Photos]

      The Coast Guard oversaw the response and salvage Wednesday afternoon as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers successfully refloated the tug Hammond Bay, which sank in the St. Marys River Monday morning. The cause of the sinking of the tug is unknown and under investigation. The tug was lifted out of the water by

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    • JULY 5, 2013
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    Watchkeeper: Introspection at IMO

      There might be a broad welcome for the conclusions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Symposium on the Future of Ship Safety held in London at the organisation’s headquarters earlier this month. This was an opportunity for those who are on the receiving end of the regulators’ activities to suggest that there was room

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    • JULY 5, 2013
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    EU Naval Force And NATO Commanders Meet At Sea Maintaining high levels co-operation sharing to curb piracy

      On 4 July 2013, whilst conducting counter-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, the Force Commander of the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR), Commodore Jorge Novo Palma, met with the Commander of the NATO counter-piracy Operation Ocean Shield, Commodore Henning Amundsen. HNoMS Fridtjof Nansen, flagship of the NATO operation, hosted the meeting between

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    • JULY 5, 2013
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    IMO adopts additional measures from global cruise industry to enhance passenger ship safety

      Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) announced that the IMO has implemented three additional safety-related policies from the 2012 Global Cruise Industry Operational Safety Review at the recently completed IMO Maritime Safety Committee meeting.  All ten policies from the Review have now been included in formal IMO standards specific to Passenger Ship Safety. “As a

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    • JULY 5, 2013
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    Maritime boundaries a key security frontier

      Maritime border co-operation is not something new for many Southeast Asian countries. These complex boundaries have encouraged them to co-operate to increase security in the region as well as to use resources wisely. Indonesia peacefully maintains maritime boundaries with many countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines and Palau, Asep Karsidi, head of Indonesia’s

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    • JULY 4, 2013
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    Thousands Of Containers Still Stuck At Priok’s Red Line

      JAKARTA—Thousands of shipping containers from overseas with red line category are yet to undergo physical inspection from Tanjung Priok’s Custom and Excise until Wednesday (7/3). This condition exacerbates the dwelling time in the red line to 13-17 days (June) from the previous average of 10-13 days (April). There are several stages in the dwelling

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