• JULY 2, 2013
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    World’s Fastest Passenger Ship

      The ship “Francisco” can sail with up to 58knots (67m/h) and claim to be the world’s fastest passenger ship. It is built by the Australian shipyard Incat . The best description for this vessel is a “high-speed dual-fuel vehicle and passenger ferry,” because is powered by 2 modified jet engines driving a pair of

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    • JULY 2, 2013
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    Prison life for Somali pirates: sewing, gardening and a little basketball

      This is how it ends for a Somali pirate: not with the bang of a rifle, but with a quiet fadeout into a sewing class, a vegetable garden and a basketball court. At least 34 convicted pirates are locked away in the remote city of Hargeisa, capital of the self-declared nation of Somaliland, where

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    • JULY 2, 2013
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    21 Crewmen Stranded on Ship Without Food or Fuel

      21 crewmen are stranded aboard a Liberian-flagged ship in the Gulf of Suez, and have been there for nearly six months after the vessel suffered technical difficulties. A mariners’ helpline in India received a call for help from the vessel. They have run out of food and fuel, and reportedly have not been paid

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    • JULY 2, 2013
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    IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee Completes Busy Agenda

      IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) met at the Organization’s London Headquarters for its 92nd session from 12 to 21 June 2013. The MSC adopted amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) relating to passenger drills; discussed recommendations arising from the Costa Concordia incident; and considered matters related to

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    • JULY 1, 2013
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    Data Mining Screws The Pirates

      The Somali pirates are having a very bad year and it’s all because of math. Pirate attacks were down 70 percent last year and it has been over a year since the pirates captured a large ship (that they could get several million dollars ransom for). The usual reasons given for this shift are

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    • JULY 1, 2013
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    Indonesia is not meeting its obligations on boats

      ASYLUM-SEEKING is a strategic policy issue with domestic ramifications, not vice versa. And it’s also just one facet of our complex strategic relations with our neighbours. Recent Indonesian posturing that it is not the source of asylum-seeker flows, that it is Australia’s problem and that Indonesia is somehow not involved are examples of the

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    • JULY 1, 2013
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    Indonesia, Vietnam, Code of Conduct in South China Sea

      Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Indonesia and Vietnam agreed to continue to encourage discussions to find agreement for the implementation of “Code of Conduct” in South China Sea. “We have discussed situation in East Sea or South China Sea with an aim of assuring peaceful solutions of all problems in the region according to international

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