• JANUARY 15, 2013
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    Southeast Asia a “black spot” for marine accidents

      Frankfurt: Asia is by far the most vibrant area for shipping. However, analysis just out shows it is also the region with the most shipping casualties. The world’s merchant marine reported the loss of 106 ships last year. The figure is up from the 91 ships reported lost in 2011, but well below the

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    • JANUARY 15, 2013
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    Impacts of Cyclone Narelle, Typhoon Bopha make Indonesia very windy

      Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Indonesia has been very windy over the past two weeks as the impacts of Cyclone Narelle that has been developing in Australia and Typhoon Bopha which has been hitting the Philippines. In many Indonesian regions, ships and boats could not sail and fishermen have been warned to be cautious due

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    • JANUARY 15, 2013
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    Oil and gas production down due to bad weather

      REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Bad weather conditions have made production of oil and gas in Indonesia to drop, according to upstream oil and gas sector regulator SK Migas. The agency spokesman, Hadi Prasetyo, said here on Monday based on initial reports oil production was estimated to drop minimally 4,900 barrels a day. “Production activities in the

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    • JANUARY 15, 2013
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    Crew Rescued From Damaged Tugboat Off Torbay

      [UPDATE] The tug Christos XXII, damaged after the vessel it was towing collided into its side off Torbay yesterday, is now stable with risk of pollution very low. Attention has now turned to the towed vessel, an ex-German Naval training ship the Emsstrom, which had been listing too heavily for salvors to get onboard.

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    • JANUARY 15, 2013
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    The World’s First Electric Propulsion Ferry to be Launched in 2015

      Electric propulsion has a promising future in the shipping industry among other ship propulsion systems. Siemens along with Norwegian shipyard Fjellstrand will launch world’s first electric ferry, which will serve the route between Lavic and Oppedal from 2015 onwards. The world’s first electrically powered ferry will be 80 meters and will be able to carry 120

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    • JANUARY 14, 2013
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    Two missing after cargo vessel sinks off Sulawesi

      Nine of the 17 crew members aboard MV Emeline cargo vessel, which sunk off the Selayar Islands, South Sulawesi, as of Thursday remained stranded out on the rough seas. Search and rescue teams have not been able to reach and evacuate them. Hamsidar, head of the Makassar office of the National Search and Rescue

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    • JANUARY 14, 2013
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    KRI Makassar ships 2,000 tons of rice to Mindanao

      Bitung, North Sulawesi (ANTARA News) – Indonesian warship KRI Makassar-590 has left for Mindanao, the Philippines with 2,000 tons of rice for the victims of typhoon Bopha that swept through the southern Philippine area on December 4, 2012. Speaking after dispatching the ship from Bitung port on Friday, North Sulawesi Governor Sinyo H Sarudajang

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