• NOVEMBER 14, 2012
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    Types of Fishing Vessels

      Fishing vessels are indispensable to maritime operations. They fulfil a vital need of reconciling demand with supply in the fisheries sector so much so that in their absence, a very simple yet equally essential activity would come to a standstill. As is in any domain, even in the aspect of fishing boats, various evolutionary

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    • NOVEMBER 14, 2012
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    ClassNK Develops Ship Maintenance Software with IHIMU, DU and IBM

      ClassNK, IHI Marine United (IHIMU), Diesel United (DU) and IBM Japan have announced they will jointly develop a ship maintenance management system to help reduce ship lifecycle cost. The jointly developed system, which will make use of the latest condition monitoring sensor technology and data analysis systems, will be offered by ClassNK as a

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    • NOVEMBER 13, 2012
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    Indian sail training ship anchors in Bitung

      Bitung (ANTARA News) – Indian sail training ship INS Sudarshini, carrying 31 crew members under the command of Captain Sam Sundar, has anchored in Bitung, North Sulawesi province. The arrival of the crew and the cadets on Saturday was welcomed by the Bitung City Mayor’s Assistant for the Government Sector, Fabian Kaloh, Tourism Department

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    • NOVEMBER 13, 2012
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    Singapore BWTS Development Grant for Liqtech International

      Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore awards MINT ((Maritime Innovation & Technology) funding to LiqTech International, Inc. subsidiary LiqTech Pte Ltd. The award is for the development of a Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS). LiqTech Pte Ltd based in Singapore will be test-bedding its proprietary Silicon Carbide (SiC) membrane to configure a high efficiency

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    • NOVEMBER 13, 2012
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    MUA: National Week of Action Targeting Ships at Newcastle Port

      Conditions on foreign ships entering Australian waters will be under scrutiny this week as the International Transport Workers’ Federation gears up to board and inspect conditions on ‘Flag of Convenience’ (FOC) ships entering Newcastle Port. The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) released the following statement: Flag of Convenience ships – or ‘Ships of Shame’ –

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    • NOVEMBER 13, 2012
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    Ambrey Risk Awarded Panama-Flagged Vessel Maritime Security Accreditation

      Maritime Security specialist Ambrey Risk has been awarded accreditation to work with Panama-flagged vessels. The UK-based security company, which won a Herefordshire Chamber of Commerce award last month, became one of the first maritime security companies to be granted official accreditation from the Panama Maritime Authority, on 28th September 2012, sanctioning the services of armed

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    • NOVEMBER 12, 2012
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    Sibolga Port reviewed by UNWFP for disaster mitigation readiness

      Sibolga (ANTARA News) – The Port of Sibolga, North Sumatra, was reviewed by the United Nations World Food Program (UNWFP) representatives and proposed as one of the gates for food distribution in Sumatra during a disaster mitigation. “The world`s food organization wanted to see the condition of the port located in the western coast

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