• SEPTEMBER 24, 2012
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    South Korean Navy Shoots at North Korean Fishing Ships

      As North Korean fishing vessels crossed over a disputed maritime boundary known as the Northern Limit Line earlier in the day, South Korean naval ships fired warning shots at them. Although none of the shots made contact with the fishing boats, they crossed back over to their side of the border between the two

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    • SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
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    Somalia Piracy Threat Unlikely to Diminish Says Analyst

      Tim Holt, Head of Intelligence at Special Contingency Risks (SCR), part of the Willis Group, gives his reasons, suggest remedies. • “Piracy is the second largest generator of income in Somalia, yielding an estimated $200 million annually. • “As pirate financiers invest more and more in the success of their operations, lucrative opportunities for

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    • SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
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    Pirates Caught Siphoning & Sellinag Bunker Fuel from Hijacked Ship Off Malaysia

      The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) recently foiled an attempt by six pirates from syphoning off and selling bunker fuel from a hijacked vessel in local waters. MMEA officials noticed uncommon ship-to-ship activity between MT Scorpio and MT Sea Jade. As a nearby MMEA patrol boat started to move towards the two vessels, six

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    • SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
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    European Union Naval Force and Seychelles Reinforce Counter-Piracy Commitment

      Rear Admiral Duncan Potts, Operation Commander of the European Union Naval Force Operation Atalanta (EU NAVFOR) met on 18 September 2012 with President James Michel during his visit to the Seychelles, confirming the importance of the Seychelles in the fight against piracy in the Indian Ocean. Rear Admiral Potts, together with the EU NAVFOR

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    • SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
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    Pelindo Gets A IDR1 Trillion Bank Loan To Build New Port

      JAKARTA: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II obtained working capital credit amounted to IDR1 trillion from BNI and Bank Mandiri. The facility will due in 1 year and may be extended upon the agreement of both parties. The loan is the initial stage of the financing agreement between the company and Pelindo II, said BNI’s

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    • SEPTEMBER 19, 2012
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    Tanzania maritime security surveillance system handed over to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

      A ceremony attended by senior US and Japanese diplomats, Tanzanian Government officials and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the IMO for Maritime Security and Anti-Piracy Programmes, Mr Hartmut Hesse, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 17 September 2012 marked the completion of the installation of an integrated radar and automatic identification system

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    • SEPTEMBER 19, 2012
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    AIPA postpones South China Sea resolution

      Sengigi, West Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) – The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, AIPA, has postponed the South China Sea resolution proposal owing to the improving situation in the area and also to avoid considering the pros and cons of the assembly`s delegation. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Executive Committee led by

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