• JULY 23, 2012
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    Chinese Warship Anchored Off Disputed Spratly Islands

      Philippine Navy aircraft spots a Chinese landing ship in Subi Reef, 12 miles from Philippine-occupied island Pag-asa The Chinese troop and logistics ship, a Yuting class, No. 934, is armed with three heavy guns, built-in cranes, and a helipad, reports ‘The Philippine Star’. The Chinese ship is anchored at the Chinese-occupied Subi Reef, close

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    • JULY 20, 2012
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    Upgrading of Ground Station

      Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board has implemented the Satellite Imagery Ground Station upgrading in the Bangka Belitung. The main objective of upgrading is to enhance the ability and speed in the processing of satellite image data from level 0 to level 2. Before upgrading, GS on Bangka Belitung only able to process the data

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    • JULY 20, 2012
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    Singapore Bunker Delivery a World First

      Bunker Tanker ‘Emessary’ alongside container ship: Photo credit MPA Singapore First commercial bunker delivery in Singapore using mass flow metering system An ExxonMobil-chartered bunker tanker is the first in Singapore to use a mass flow metering system that has been approved by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for bunker fuel transfers.

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    • JULY 20, 2012
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    Germany plans to regulate anti-piracy security firms

      Sea piracy off the coast of Somalia has dropped dramatically, in part as the result of private security forces accompanying the ships. The German government now wants to regulate their certification. The German Cabinet has agreed on legislation to introduce a licensing procedure for security companies on board ships. The draft bill determines which

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    • JULY 20, 2012
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    Defence Organisation Makes Security For Merchant Shipping Cheaper

      Minister of DefenceHillen is making it cheaper for shipping companies to deploy marines on board merchant ships passing through waters off the coast of Somalia. These military personnel protect vulnerable vessels from pirates in Vessel Protection Detachments (VPDs). The Dutch shippers’ organisation EVO responded enthusiastically to the price reduction. According to the shippers, trade

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    • JULY 20, 2012
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    Wilhelmsen Ships Service Provides Safe Passage Through The Northern Sea Route

      Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) is helping clients execute voyages through the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as this new trade lane begins to open up new opportunities for shipping. WSS is working with Russian Arctic shipping specialist Rosatomflot for ice-breaking assistance and has developed a programme to assists clients with technical, legal and insurance preparations

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    • JULY 19, 2012
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    Algorithms enable robot to navigate and view propellers and other complex structures.

      For years, the U.S. Navy has employed human divers, equipped with sonar cameras, to search for underwater mines attached to ship hulls. The Navy has also trained dolphins and sea lions to search for bombs on and around vessels. While animals can cover a large area in a short amount of time, they are

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