18 Pelni Ships Get IDR872,789 Billion Subsidies

JAKARTA – The government through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation again provided Public Service Obligation (PSO) funding for subsidy dedicated to economy class passengers.

In this, the PSO subsidy gave 18 vessels with 376 voyeges operated PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) for IDR872.789 billion.

The MoU for the PSO will be signed between the Director General of Sea Transportation, Capt.Bobby R. Mamahit the President Director of PT Pelni Syahril Japarin, Tuesday (03/18/2014), as reported by the Ministry of Transportation’s official site.

Director General of Sea Transportation said to increase public transport access to remote and outlying areas, especially in the border areas with neighboring countries, since in 2003 the government has provided assistance through the PSO subsidy to PT Pelni.

He hopes with the signing of the Implementation Agreement Public Service Obligations Sea Transport Sector to the Economy Class passengers, Pelni can continue to improve maritime passenger transport services in accordance with the existing minimum service standards.


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