16 Fishermen Killed by Pirates


Pirates have killed sixteen Bangladeshi fishermen in the Bay of Bengal, according the police statement on Monday.

The killings occurred in Kutubdia, an island off the coastal town of Cox’s Bazaar in southeastern Bangladesh. The dead fishermen were dumped in the Bay of Bengal.

“We have come to know that the bodies of sixteen fishermen were found floating in the Bay of Bengal,” told the police chief in Cox’s Bazaar, Mohammad Azad Mia.

He added that twenty-three fishermen that about a week ago sailed from Kutubdia island, southeast of Dhaka, have been missing for couple of days.

Mia told there wasn’t any specific information regarding the deaths of the Bangladeshi fishermen, whose bodies were found floating with hands and feet tied.

“It seems they were thrown alive into the sea.”

He also added that the bodies were found in the sea about 50 kilometers away from Kutubdia island.



Source: http://www.vesselfinder.com/




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