• MARCH 22, 2013
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    Stadt Electric Propulsion to 8 Offshore Vessels

      The Norwegian company STADT has secured a major order for diesel-electric propulsion for the seismic  support  vessels  that will be used by PGS – Petroleum Geological  Services in Oslo. The ships will be owned and operated by  Thor Offshore,  and long-time chartered to  PGS . Designers for the ships are Skipsteknisk in Aalesund, and

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    • AUGUST 27, 2013
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    St. Thomas Of Aquinas Captain Faces Probe, Answered SBMI Query On Collision Accident

      The captain of the ill-fated M/V St. Thomas of Aquinas (STA) submitted himself for an initial investigation by the Special Board of Marine Inquiry (SBMI) today at the Headquarters of the Coast Guard District Central Visayas in Cebu City. Capt. Reynan Bermejo, vessel master of STA that was hit by cargo ship M/V Sulpicio

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    • AUGUST 7, 2012
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    Spook Communications Reported in Arab Waters

      Vessels report potential surveillance by unknown entities while in transit of the Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz & Arabian Gulf. In one recent case, a vessel was asked its crew complement and master’s name, purportedly by a named vessel that was in fact operating elsewhere under the new name it has borne since

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    • NOVEMBER 28, 2012
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    Splash & Grab – Oil Theft Blights Gulf of Guinea

      Dryad Maritime, the UK-based specialist in maritime intelligence, has completed an analysis of a specific type of maritime crime that poses a risk to shipping in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa. The hijack of vessels for the theft of refined fuel cargoes, termed Extended Duration Robbery (EDR) by Dryad, has recently attracted media

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