• NOVEMBER 19, 2014
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    Tenggelamkan Kapal Pencuri

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Presiden Joko Widodo memerintahkan aparat pengamanan laut untuk menenggelamkan kapal asing yang melakukan pencurian ikan di wilayah perairan laut Indonesia. Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana Marsetio mengatakan, hal tersebut dapat dilakukan, tetapi tetap harus melihat tingkat kesalahan kapal asing itu. ”Bayangkan, ada 5.400 kapal asing yang melakukan illegal fishing (pencurian ikan). Saya sampaikan,

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    • FEBRUARY 2, 2015
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    Tenau Port Productivity Skyrockets for 127%

    SURABAYA – Offshore logistic base terminal operation in Tenau Port, Kupang to support gas pipe project to Darwin, Australia has increased cargo stevedoring activity along 2014 for 127% or over 1 million tons per cubic meter. Tenau Chapter-PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III General Manager, Deny Lambert Wuwungan, said commodity volume hike refers to stevedoring activity

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    • JANUARY 16, 2013
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    Ten Seamen Saved from Sea off Somalia

      EU Naval Force French Frigate ‘Surcouf’ rescues 10 from life-raft after their coastal cargo vessel sank 30 miles off the Somali coast. The master of the Indian flagged vessel had sent out a distress call after engine failure and the vessel began to  ship water. FS Surcouf, which was conducting counter piracy patrols 26

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    • JUNE 24, 2013
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    Ten Dead, 20 Missing as Boat Sinks off Gabon

      Ten people drowned and another 20 remain unaccounted for after a boat carrying West African clandestine migrants sank off the coast of Gabon, a police official said on Friday. The boat had left Nigeria and was within 15 minutes of arriving in Gabon’s capital Libreville when it went down late on Tuesday night. Gabonese

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