• NOVEMBER 11, 2013
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    10 Pirates Attack a Tanker Near Malaysia

    Ten robbers armed with guns and knives boarded and hijacked a product tanker underway. They tied up all the crew members and held them hostage in one cabin. Later they commanded that Master to steer the ship to a pre-designated position. The vessel came alongside another orange hull tanker and the robbers forced the C/O

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    • SEPTEMBER 22, 2014
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    10 Nelayan Diselamatkan

    CIREBON, KOMPAS – Setelah dinyatakan hilang dan tenggelam akibat cuaca buruk dan kerusakan kapal, 10 nelayan asal Kabupaten Cirebon dan Indramayu, Sabtu (20/9) malam, berhasil diselamatkan. Jajaran Direktorat Polisi Perairan Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Barat menyerahkan para nelayan tersebut kepada keluarga masing-masing. Di Papua, pada hari yang sama, tim search and rescue (SAR) Jayapura juga berhasil

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    • APRIL 12, 2013
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    1,000 gallons of oil spilled after 2 vessels Collided in Bay of Colombia

      The collision of 2 vessels caused oil spill into Colombia’s Caribbean waters on Wednesday, the reported the Colombian government. The collision occurred in the Bay of Colombia early Wednesday, when the oil-carrying Singaporean vessel Crccow Esmerald and a tug vessel crashed into each other near the mouth of the Leon River in the Uraba

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    • JULY 27, 2012
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    1 Dead, Others Missing After Chemical Tanker Explosion

      A chemical tanker off the Labuan island coast suffered from an onboard fire earlier today. The blaze impacted operations at a delivery plant at the giant methanol production facility owned by Petronas on the island. Officials are blaming a lightning strike as the cause of the fire. The massive fire blew out the internal

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