• APRIL 24, 2013
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    A Chill on Environmental Protection as Arctic Shipping Heats Up

      After a year’s delay, the United Nations body tasked with developing polar shipping regulations has recommended provisions to address the environmental impacts of Arctic shipping – but they don’t go far enough, says conservation organization WWF. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) met last week to shape the Polar Code, a legally binding set of

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    • DECEMBER 4, 2012
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    9 Missing Following Ship Collision Off China

      On Monday, a cargo ship and fishing vessel collided off China’s southern coast, near the Guangdong province. Nine mariners are missing as a result of the accident. The cargo ship sank near Shanwei following the collision with the Hong Kong-registered fishing vessel. 11 crewmen were catapulted into the water from the cargo ship, with

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    • NOVEMBER 27, 2012
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    9 arrested for piracy off Mogadishu Coast

      Nine people arrested for piracy near off Mogadishu Coast. Romanian warship Regele Ferdinand, under the command of the European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) in cooperation with Turkish warship, Gemlik of Combined Task Force 151, arrested the suspected pirates after hours of chasing. This operation is against the pirate activity on sea. It is obvious

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    • APRIL 11, 2013
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    8 Myanmarese fishermen cremated

      The North Sumatra Immigration Office in cooperation with the Vihara Buddha Murni Foundation cremated the bodies of eight Myanmar fishermen who died in a brawl with Rohingya refugees last week at the immigration detention center. No relatives or Myanmar Embassy representatives attended the cremation in Medan. However, North Sumatra Immigration Office head Rostanov said

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