• DECEMBER 8, 2014
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    Aparat hukum Ikut Awasi Izin kapal

    JAKARTA. Pemerintah terus membenahi kebijakan dan regulasi di sektor maritim nasional. Setelah beberapa waktu lalu memutuskan untuk menghentikan izin bongkar muat kapal di tengah laut dan menghentikan proses penerbitan izin kapal penangkap ikan, pemerintah bakal menerapkan kebijakan baru yang lain. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti bilang, institusinya akan melakukan terobosan baru dalam proses penerbitan

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    • JUNE 13, 2012
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    Anti-piracy systems launched

    A range of new anti-piracy systems from providers Applied Satellite Engineering (ASE) and Beam Communications, utilising either the Iridium or Inmarsat satellite networks, have been launched. ASE has introduced an enhanced version of its Iridium-enabled safe room ‘citadel’ solution for ships with remote polling technology. Using the Iridium network, remote polling enables ship owners on

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    • NOVEMBER 20, 2012
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    Anti-Piracy Gains Can Easily Be Reversed, Secretary-General Warns in Security Council Remarks

      Stressing Multidimensional Approach to “Global Concern” Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, delivered by Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson to the Security Council debate on maritime piracy as a threat to international peace and security, in New York today, 19 November: I welcome this opportunity to brief the Security Council on piracy and armed

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    • NOVEMBER 28, 2012
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    Anti piracy plans divide opinions

      Despite the fact that the number of attacks by Somali pirates fell in the first nine months of this year, the shipping industry warns there is no time for complacency. Determining the best way to tackle the threat, however, continues to divide opinions.This year’s decline in pirate attacks has been put down to the

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