• DECEMBER 31, 2014
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    Awakening Spirit Only Considered from Economic Point of View

    Jakarta, Kompas – President Joko Widodo’s efforts to revive Indonesia’s power as a maritime axis is appreciated by many elements. However, until the end of 2014, the spirit tends to be considered only from economic, not from cultural point of view. Historian, JJ Rizal, said maritime values must be understood deeper, not only in economic

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    • OCTOBER 22, 2013
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    Australians nab Somali pirates

      Dubai: An Australian naval ship, HMAS Melbourne, has caught nine Somali pirates on two skiffs some 500 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia. The skiffs had attacked a Spanish trawler and a tanker in the past week. The skiffs and all equipment belonging to the Somalis was destroyed. Commander Brian Schlegel, HMAS Melbourne

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    • JUNE 17, 2013
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    Australian Navy Collins Class Submarines Update

      Minister for Defense Stephen Smith and Minister for Defense Materiel Mike Kelly today announced further significant initiatives to both maintain the capability of Australia’s Collins Class submarine fleet and further improve Collins Class maintenance, sustainment and availability. The Collins Class submarine fleet of six submarines is an essential part of Australia’s national security capability.

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    • APRIL 21, 2014
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    Australian captain loses command after Indonesia incursion

    Sydney (ANTARA News/AFP) – An Australian naval captain has been relieved of his command after his vessel was involved in an incursion into Indonesian waters while on border protection duty, the defence ministry said Thursday. Six incursions took place during Australias military-led Operation Sovereign Borders to deter asylum-seeker boats in December and January, leading Canberra

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