• JULY 25, 2013
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    Barge capsizes off Singapore, nine missing

      Singapore: Nine people are believed to be missing after a barge capsized in Singapore waters at about 1pm on Wednesday. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said in a statement that the vessel Guo Liang 677 capsized about seven nautical miles north of Horsburgh Lighthouse. MPA is co-ordinating the search and rescue

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    • JULY 26, 2013
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    Barge Capsizes in Singapore Waters, 8 Missing

      Search and rescue (SAR) operations for 8 missing crewmembers of the capsized Mongolian-flagged barge Guo Liang 677 are ongoing. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has been coordinating the SAR operations since receiving report of the incident at about 1300 hours (Singapore time) on 24 July 2013. The incident happened in Singapore

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    • SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
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    Bank Mandiri’s Cargolink payment system for Koja Container Terminal

      Indonesia’s Koja Container Terminal is moving one step closer to more efficient operations with the development of a new electronic payment system for customs-related fees. According to local media reports, Bank Mandiri has signed cooperation deal with PT Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia to develop the Cargolink system, an online-based transaction system which will allow

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2014
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    Bank Mandiri dan BNI Akan Kucurkan Kredit Sektor Maritim

    JAKARTA. Demi mensukseskan program pengembangan sektor maritim dari pemerintahan baru Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla, sejumlah bank milik pemerintah mengaku siap memberikan dukungan. Bank Mandiri dan Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), semisal, menyatakan, penyaluran kredit bagi sektor maritim bukan barang asing. Bank Mandiri menyebutkan, cukup banyak mengalirkan kredit bagi pembangunan pelabuhan di sejumlah daerah milik PT Pelabuhan Indonesia

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