• FEBRUARY 6, 2014
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    Benoa aims to be hub port for cruise ships

      Becoming increasingly popular as a destination port and turn-around port, Benoa is aiming to expand its operations to become a hub port for cruise ships. By being a hub port, Benoa would be an arrival and departure point for cruise ships from around the world, with cruise operators establishing their home base in Bali.

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    • FEBRUARY 6, 2014
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    Benoa aims to be hub port for cruise ships

      Becoming increasingly popular as a destination port and turn-around port, Benoa is aiming to expand its operations to become a hub port for cruise ships. By being a hub port, Benoa would be an arrival and departure point for cruise ships from around the world, with cruise operators establishing their home base in Bali.

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    • OCTOBER 22, 2012
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    Beneath the pirate’s shadow

      Yu Mei, the wife of a fisherman in Zhoushan, East China’s Zhejiang Province, should have enjoyed her first family reunion in five years on Mid-Autumn Day, which fell on September 30 this year. However, a shadow has been cast over the traditional festival for Yu and her family, as they worry about her husband,

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    • SEPTEMBER 11, 2014
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    Benahi BBM Nelayan

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS- Pemerintah didesak segera membenahi tata kelola penggunaan bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi bagi nelayan kecil dan pola bagi hasil dengan pemilik kapal. Pembenahan diperlukan agar distribusi BBM bersubsidi menjangkau semua nelayan kecil dan tidak disalahgunakan. Sejumlah anggota Komisi IV DPR menilai, perlu dikaji sejauh mana alokasi BBM bersubsidi neIayan bermanfaat bagi nelayan kecil. Alasannya,

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