• JANUARY 28, 2014
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    China and US to Start Drilling in Disputed Area

      The South China Morning Post reports that the first scientific ocean drilling expedition led and sponsored by China sails from Hong Kong tomorrow into disputed South China Sea areas. The expedition will drill as deep as 1,930 meters into the seabed, the fifth deepest such exploration in history. The thirty-one geologists on board will

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    • JANUARY 28, 2014
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    China and US to Start Drilling in Disputed Area

      The South China Morning Post reports that the first scientific ocean drilling expedition led and sponsored by China sails from Hong Kong tomorrow into disputed South China Sea areas. The expedition will drill as deep as 1,930 meters into the seabed, the fifth deepest such exploration in history. The thirty-one geologists on board will

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    • JULY 5, 2012
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    China aligns with India, Japan on piracy patrols

      China is closely cooperating with the navies of Japan and India in patrolling against piracy off Somalia, a sign of the country’s greater willingness to work with other nations in safeguarding global trade despite mixed sentiments among Chinese toward the country’s main Asian rivals. Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force became the lead navy Sunday in

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    • JANUARY 17, 2014
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    Chief Executive of IMSCB Attends the Sow Flower Ceremony of Dharma Samudera

      The Chief Executive of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board ¨Vice Admiral Bambang Suwarto¨ attended the Ceremony of sow flower in order to commemorate the Dharma Samudera Day 2014 on Wednesday 15 January 2014. Thus, the event was held on Indonesian War Ship ¨KRI Banda Aceh¨. As the inspector ceremony was the Minister of Defense,

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