• FEBRUARY 26, 2013
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    Work Begins On Updating Inventory Of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) From International Shipping

      International experts are meeting at IMO Headquarters this week, in the form of an Expert Workshop, to begin work on updating the inventory of greenhouse gases (GHG) from international shipping, with a view to providing reliable and up-to-date information on which IMO, through its Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), might base its work on

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    • NOVEMBER 14, 2012
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    Wooden Cargo Ship Erupts in Flames and Sinks Off UAE

      In the early hours of Monday morning, a wooden cargo ship sank off the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following a massive explosion. Nearby fishermen stated that they heard a giant explosion, and saw the vessel in flames shortly afterwards. Other witnesses reported that the sunken ship’s crew was rescued by another vessel; their whereabouts

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    • OCTOBER 6, 2014
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    Wintermar Tunda Pembelian Kapal

    JAKARTA. Kondisi politik dalam negeri yang tidak menentu menjadi alasan PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk (WINS) menunda pembelian dua unit kapal baru. Perusahaan memutuskan merealisasikan rencana pembelian tahun depan. Pembelian dua kapal yang tertunda itu termasuk bagian dari rencana menambah lima unit kapal baru. Dari rencana awal tersebut, Wintermar telah merealisasikan pembelian tiga unit kapal.

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    • APRIL 28, 2014
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    Wintermar to Spend $60m to Buy New Ships

    Publicly listed shipping company PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk has allocated US$60 million this year to buy five new ships to boost its fleet. Wintermar head of corporate planning Pek Swan Layanto said in Jakarta last week that two of the new ships would be delivered this month, another one in the middle of this

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