• JANUARY 22, 2013
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    Disastrous final quarter pushes FSL into the red for 2012

      Singapore: An especially brutal final quarter saw Singapore’s First Ship Lease Trust notch up an $8.4m loss for 2012, on the back of revenue slipping 4.2%. Three tankers were taken back by Berlian Laju Tankers and charters were slashed on a pair of Torm ships, leading to a big dent in revenues for the

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    • AUGUST 18, 2014
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    Dikaji, Peleburan KKP dan Kementan

    JAKARTA – Tim transisi Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla mewacanakan perampingan kabinet dengan melakukan penggabungan beberapa kementerian, salah satunya adalah dengan menggabungkan kembali Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) dan Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) menjadi satu kementerian. Namun wacana tersebut dinilai kurang tepat karena hal itu justru bertentangan dengan visi misi presiden terpilih, Jokowi, yang ingin menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara

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    • MAY 2, 2013
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    Digital Solutions on The IMO Agenda

      On 8-12 April 2013, the IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL) held a meeting, where efforts were made to spread digital processes to shipping. At the meeting, the possibilities of using electronic ship certificates were considered. The Committee approved an interim FAL resolution on ”Interim guidelines for use of printed versions of electronic certificates”. This is

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    • OCTOBER 18, 2012
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    Digital Approach to Maritime Piracy Issues

      A Scottish company has launched onto the global shipping market the first comprehensive software product designed to combat the increasing problem of modern-day piracy at sea. •    The cost of piracy in 2011 is estimated at $7 billion / £4.46 billion (including increased security spend and ransom payments). •    The numbers of hostages and

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