• JUNE 28, 2012
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    EPA Releases Guidance on Fuel Availability Provisions for Ships Operating Off North America

      The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released interim guidance for ship owners and operators clarifying how the U.S. government will implement fuel availability provisions when ships are unable to obtain fuel that meets standards protecting against sulfur pollution along the coast. Sulfur pollution has been linked to respiratory illnesses, particularly in at-risk populations including children,

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    • APRIL 15, 2013
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    Eni CEO Discusses Projects with Indonesian Prime Minister

      Paolo Scaroni updated the Minister of Energy on the progress of ongoing projects, which are considered strategic for both Eni and the Indonesian Republic The Indonesian Minister of Energy, Jero Wacik, and Eni’s CEO, Paolo Scaroni, met today in Jakarta to discuss Eni’s activities in the country. During the meeting, Paolo Scaroni updated the

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    • FEBRUARY 8, 2013
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    Employing Armed Guards in West Africa Can Be Dangerous

      Shipowners considering employing armed guards to protect their ships from pirate attacks in west Africa need to be extremely careful, according to new guidance published by the ‘A’ rated 170 million GT North P&I Club. According to the Club’s new loss prevention briefing entitled West African Piracy, standard solutions and contracts for hiring armed

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    • JANUARY 8, 2015
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    Employers Urge for Truck Service Standard

    JAKARTA – Indonesian Truck Employer Association (Aptrindo) urged port terminal operator to make turn-around time (TRT) standard for container trucks. Aptrindo Deputy Chairman, Muis Thantawi, said currently, there is no truck service standard time in all ports including in four main ports such as Tanjung Priok Port (Jakarta), Tanjung Perak Port (Surabaya), Belawan Port (Medan),

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