• JULY 19, 2012
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    EU Naval Force German And French Frigates Escort An AMISOM Vessel

      From 4 to 13 July , the EU Naval Force – Operation Atalanta (EU NAVFOR) provided protection to a ship chartered for AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia) supplies. The German frigate Bremen and the French frigate Guépratte took turns to carry out this mission, from the south Red Sea to Mogadishu. The EU NAVFOR warship

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    • JUNE 20, 2012
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    EU Naval Force French Frigate Guépratte Secures Gulf of Aden

      From 1 to June 14, 2012, EUNAVFOR frigate Guépratte has concentrated its patrols in the area south of the Strait of Bab el Mandeb and the western Gulf of Aden, areas prone to pirate attacks. The beginning of June usually marks the arrival of the monsoon in the Indian Ocean. It is characterized by

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    • NOVEMBER 14, 2013
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    EU Naval Force Flagship Hosts Contact Group On Piracy Off The Coast Of Somalia

      On Monday, 11 November 2013, the EU Naval Force Operation Atalanta Flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt, has hosted the Contact Group of Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) during the Counter Piracy Week in the port of Djibouti. Government representatives from all over the world took the opportunity to see how the EU

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    • OCTOBER 16, 2013
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    EU Naval Force Confirms Super Tanker Safe After Attack by Suspect Pirates off Somali Coast

    EU Naval Force can confirm that on Friday, 11 October 2013, a fully laden super tanker, known as a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC), was fired upon by eight armed men in two ‘skiffs’ 230 miles off the Somali coast. The attack was successfully repelled by the Armed Security Team on board the super tanker

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