• JULY 4, 2012
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    EU Naval Force Ship ITS Scirocco Assists a Vessel with Engine Failure

      On the morning of June 28th 2012, EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Italian Frigate Scirocco provided technical assistance to a tug type vessel which experienced an engine failure while sailing in international waters in the Gulf of Aden. In the evening on the 27th of June, ITS Scirocco was conducting a patrolling mission in

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    • MAY 1, 2013
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    EU Naval Force Protects World Food Programme Shipments At Sea

      Protecting World Food Programme (WFP) shipments to Somalia is a core task for EU Naval Force Somalia; ensuring the safe transportation of humanitarian aid to the Somali people.  In 2013, WFP aims to bring humanitarian assistance to an estimated population of 1.56 million in Somalia. Since the beginning of Operation Atalanta in 2008, EU

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    • NOVEMBER 30, 2012
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    EU Naval Force Meets Somali Fishing Representatives And Elders On ITS San Giusto

      On Tuesday 27 November 2012, the Force Commander of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia – Operation Atalanta, Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, met with local Somali fishing representatives, clan elders of coastal communities and local authorities on board the EU NAVFOR flagship, ITS San Giusto, off the north-eastern coast of Somalia, near Hurdyo.

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    • AUGUST 30, 2012
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    EU Naval Force German Warship Sachsen Repairs Merchant Dhow Adrift in Gulf of Aden

      German EU Naval Force Frigate Sachsen came to the aid this morning of AL SACIID, a cargo dhow adrift due to a problem with the steerage gear. The Sachsen was advised of the dhow’s predicament by a Japanese MPRA (Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft) patrolling the area. Having established good communications with Al Saciid’s

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