• FEBRUARY 11, 2013
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    Ferry and Cargo Ship Collide, Leaving Dozens Missing

      A passenger ferry has capsized along the Meghna River in Bangladesh following a collision with a cargo, leaving dozens missing. The ferry, which had left Narayanganj Friday morning bound for Matlab, struck the sand-carrying ship about 22 miles south of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Hundreds of locals have gathered at the scene of

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    • AUGUST 12, 2014
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    Feri Kembali Tidak Beroperasi

    Ombak Laut Mencapai 6 Meter KUPANG, KOMPAS- Setelah normal selama tiga hari, pengoperasian feri yang melayani sejumlah rute di Nusa Tenggara Timur sejak Minggu (10/8) kembali dihentikan akibat cuaca buruk yang ditandai amukan gelombang laut setinggi 4-6 meter. PT Angkutan Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan merencanakan pola buka-tutup jika memungkinkan. Gelombang tinggi menyebabkan pula puluhan penumpang

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    • AUGUST 27, 2013
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    Fending Off Pirates: Depending on West African States to Help Won’t Count For Much

      The western African states have said clearly they do not have the naval, coast guard or customs resources to deal with the piracy evident in the Gulf of Guinea. Further, they do not say, but it is clear, they do not have the money to do it. Piracy is now confined to one principal

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2012
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    Feature: Piracy trauma checks

      There can be few more traumatic events than being attacked by armed men and held hostage, facing the threat of torture and even murder. Some of the tales told by those who have survived being held hostage by Somali pirates have revealed the extent of their ordeal, but whether such experiences invariably result in

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