• JANUARY 22, 2015
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    Fishery Product Export Target of USD 5.86 Billion

    JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry targeted this year’s fishery product export of USD 5.96 billion or a 27% increase from last year’s realization of USD 4.60 billion. 2015 fishery production is targeted for 24.12 million tons comprising 6.29 million tons from captured fishes and 17.90 million tons from cultured fishes. KP Minister, Susi

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    • DECEMBER 22, 2014
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    Fishermen’s Lives Will Still Be Pitiful

    Even though the government pays special attention to fishermen, fishermen’s lives will still be pitiful. It can be seen from 2015 State Budget arrangement which does not prioritize fisherman empowerment. In 2015 State Budget, 65.2 percent Maritime and Fishery (KP) budget is for infrastructure and purchasing goods and services. Meanwhile, fisherman empowerment does not become

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    • DECEMBER 26, 2014
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    Fishermen Will Reside Rusunawa

    JAKARTA – Public Works and People’s Housing (PU-Pera) Ministry will develop fisherman villages in 19 locations next year. PU-Pera Ministry’s Formal Housing Deputy, Khalawi Abdul Hamid, said his office has made coordination with Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) to discuss house procurement for fishermen. For the initial phase, KKP recorded there are 19 locations whose

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    • JANUARY 22, 2015
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    Fishermen Do Not Sail for A Month Due to Bad Weather

    Palembang, Kompas – Fishermen in the coastal area of South Sumatra cannot sail for a month due to strong wind and high wave. This bad weather is predicted to last up to three months ahead. Simpang Tiga Jaya Village Head, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, Herman Sulaeman, said the fishermen in his village cannot

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