• JANUARY 8, 2013
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    Future Prospects for Partially Overlapping Ship Propellers

      Overlapping propellers first appeared during the latter 19th century when navies sought to increase the speed of small watercraft. Sir Charles Parsons installed multiple small propellers on the same drive shaft on the world’s first steam turbine powered boat, theTurbinia. The sheer power and rotational speed of the steam turbine resulted in the destruction

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    • OCTOBER 21, 2013
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    Further dramas for AdvanFort vessel

    Natural Cures For Herpes. Review On Herpes Antidote read more p> Mumbai: The remaining two crew members of the AdvanFort controlled ship Seaman Guard Ohio have now been arrested by Tamil Nadu police, according to local reports. The two members were left to take care of the vessel’s maintenance but were detained yesterday along with

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    • JULY 10, 2014
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    Fuel Pirates Plague Busy Southeast Asia Shipping Lanes

    Batam, Indonesia. In the dead of night, as his fuel tanker sailed through the narrowest section of one of the world’s busiest waterways, Capt. Thiwa Saman was wrenched from sleep and pitched into a waking nightmare. Three men with guns and swords were banging on his cabin door. Other pirates had already stormed the bridge,

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    • JUNE 17, 2013
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    FSL demands redelivery of default vessels

      Singapore: FSL Trust Management has demanded that two of its two crude oil tankers, Aqua and Action, be redelivered by Geden Holdings Ltd who has defaulted on lease payments. Geden have failed to pay the agreed lease payments despite being in restructuring talks with FSL over many months. FSL intends to deploy the vessels

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