• SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
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    Ghana commits to fighting piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

      Ghana is leading efforts to ensure greater security and stability in the West African sub-region, especially maritime and naval security. According to President John Dramani Mahama, Ghana will put its newly acquired naval patrol vessels and vessel tracking devices, at the disposal of all countries to prevent cases of piracy in the Gulf of

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    • JULY 20, 2012
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    Germany plans to regulate anti-piracy security firms

      Sea piracy off the coast of Somalia has dropped dramatically, in part as the result of private security forces accompanying the ships. The German government now wants to regulate their certification. The German Cabinet has agreed on legislation to introduce a licensing procedure for security companies on board ships. The draft bill determines which

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    • AUGUST 12, 2013
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    German Shipping Company Ends Port Calls to Iran

      On Thursday, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) applauded German shipping company Reederei Rudolf Schepers GmbH & Co KG (Reederei Rudolf Schepers) for ending port calls to Iran. Last month, UANI wrote to Reederei Rudolf Schepers, and raised concerns with the business of its vessel, the TS Jakarta. The TS Jakarta had been making calls

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    • DECEMBER 1, 2014
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    Gerbang Laut Jawa Timur Sudah Terbuka Lebar

    Ratusan kontainer berisi kertas satu per satu dipindahkan dari kapal MV Intan Daya 4 ke atas truk-truk khusus pengangkut kontainer berwarna hijau pada pertengahan November lalu. Pemandangan yang biasa dijumpai di pelabuhan itu menjadi pemandangan bersejarah ketika terjadi di Terminal Teluk Lamong, Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Bersejarah karena kapal MV Intan Daya 4 milik PT Maskapai

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