• JANUARY 2, 2013
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    Hi-speed Ferry Hits Beacon: 26 Injured

      A Macau to Hong Kong jetfoil hit a marker beacon in poor visibility while exiting the Macau Outer Harbour entrance channel. The ferry with 177 passengers and 8 crew on board at the time of the incident was towed back to the terminal with reportedly minor structural damage. Twenty-six injured passengers aged between four

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    • DECEMBER 10, 2012
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    Helping Hand for North Sea RoRo Collision Survivors

      The Mission to Seafarers’ Chaplain in Rotterdam, Holland, worked around the clock with rescue crews following the collision. The 24-man crew of the Baltic Ace immediately abandoned ship, outside Rotterdam port at 1815 GMT on 5 December. 13 seafarers have been rescued, four have been confirmed dead, and seven remain missing. Revd Stephen Hazlett, The

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    • JULY 23, 2012
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    Hawks to take on sea pirates

      The South African police are set to play a greater role in the international fight against piracy after officers from the Hawks underwent an intensive maritime training programme alongside members of the elite US Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) yesterday. The training, in conjunction with the University of South Africa’s (Unisa) criminology department, means

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    • JANUARY 23, 2015
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    Having Enormous Debate with Fish Employers, Susi Refuses to Cancel Her Policy

    Fish employers keep protesting the government’s policy in maritime and fishery sector. Yesterday, they came to the office of Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti. Two days before, fishermen and employers delivered complaints to Representative House (DPR). Susi welcomed the employers and an enormous debate occurred. Indonesia Tuna Association (Astuin) Chairman, Edi Yuwono, criticized

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