• MAY 21, 2013
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    Indonesia lifts arrests of people smugglers

      Another people smuggler has been arrested by Indonesian police in the most concerted effort in years to catch and lock up those who transport refugees by boat to Australia. See your ad here Alleged Iranian smuggling kingpin Mohammad Hadi, also known as Sayed Ali, was arrested with two accomplices at 2am on Monday in

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    • SEPTEMBER 19, 2014
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    Indonesia Krisis SDM Kelautan

    JAKARTA—Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia menilai pemerintahan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla akan menghadapi keterbatasan sumber daya manusia bidang kelautan dalam merealisasikan rencana pembangunan ekonomi maritim. Ketua Umum Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia Danang Parikesit mengatakan Indonesia saat ini menghadapi krisis kesiapan sumber daya manusia di bidang kelautan. Menurutnya, sector pe layaran saat ini masih kekurangan tenaga kerja karena baru terpenuhi

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    • JANUARY 29, 2014
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    Indonesia Jails People-Smuggler Behind Fatal Voyage

      Jakarta. An Indonesian court Tuesday jailed a people-smuggler for seven years after he arranged an asylum boat voyage to Australia which ended when the vessel sank with the loss of some 90 lives. Javaid Mahmood, a 54-year-old Pakistani who organized the voyage which was supposed to take asylum-seekers from Indonesia to Australia in June

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    • JANUARY 29, 2014
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    Indonesia Jails People-Smuggler Behind Fatal Voyage

      Jakarta. An Indonesian court Tuesday jailed a people-smuggler for seven years after he arranged an asylum boat voyage to Australia which ended when the vessel sank with the loss of some 90 lives. Javaid Mahmood, a 54-year-old Pakistani who organized the voyage which was supposed to take asylum-seekers from Indonesia to Australia in June

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