• SEPTEMBER 9, 2013
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    Inmex India 2013, South Asias Largest And Most Successful Maritime Event, To Be Held At Mumbai

      Informa Exhibitions India, part of the UK based Informa plc is organizing the 8th Edition of INMEX India 2013, South Asia’s largest and most successful maritime event at the Bombay Exhibition Centre(Goregaon East, Mumbai) from 8th October 2013 to 10th October 2013. This trade event will have over 600 participating companies from 35 Countries

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    • NOVEMBER 26, 2014
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    Infrastruktur Penunjang Mendesak

    JAKARTA—Rencana pemerintah membangun pola pergerakan barang melalui laut yang terintegrasi dalam sistem logistik nasional perlu ditunjang infrastruktur lain. Utama Kajo, Ketua Komite Tetap Tata Ruang dan Pendayagunaan Lahan Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia, mengatakan pemerintah harus menyiapkan infrastruktur penunjang agar konsep tol laut dan sistem logistik nasional bisa dilaksanakan. “Lima tahun ke depan [setelah pembangunan

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    • JANUARY 26, 2015
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    Infrastructures Become the Target in 2015

    JAKARTA, Kompas – The government targeted to develop and to construct Merak-Bakauheni ferriage berth and Trans-Sumatra Highway in March 2015. The irrigation development for 1 to 1.5 million-hectare land also becomes the prioritized development in 2015. It was delivered by President Joko Widodo in a special interview with Kompas in Jakarta last weekend. “This year,

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    • SEPTEMBER 24, 2013
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    Industry Praises IMO for Action on Container Weight Verification

      The Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargo and Containers (DSC) Sub-committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) approved proposed changes to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention that will require verification of container weights before loaded containers are placed aboard ships. Misdeclared container weights have been a long-standing problem for the transportation industry and

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