• AUGUST 3, 2012
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    US main destination of Indonesia’s fishery exports

      REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU – The United States was the main export destination of Indonesia’s fishery products, buying 1.07 billion USD or 30.4 percent of the country’s overall fishery exports last year, the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry said. Japan came in second with 806 million USD (22.9 percent) and Europe in third with 459.8 million USD

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    • JANUARY 10, 2013
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    US Lawmakers Warning of Dirty Bomb Threat to US Ports

      GateKeeper USA Inc. (OTC Symbol: GTKP) announced that in a recent Bloomberg article, it was reported by Jeff Bliss that the US Backs Off All Cargo Scanning Goals. As reported by CBP (Customs & Boarder Protection), officials’ port X-ray and Gamma-ray machines were only able to facilitate scanning 4.1% of the millions of containers that

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    • MARCH 25, 2011
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    US Coast Guard issues fishing violations to New Bedford vessels

    Two New Bedford-based fishing vessels were issued violations for significant Atlantic Sea Scallop management plan fisheries infractions on March 23, 2011. The vessels were issued violations for unauthorised scallop fishing inside of the Hudson Canyon Closed Area and for fishing outside of the Elephant Trunk Access Area while declared to fish inside an area open

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    • DECEMBER 6, 2013
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    US and IPC to develop port facilities in Nunukan

    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NUNUKAN – United States builds supporting facilities at International Port of Tunon Taka in Nunukan, North Borneo to improve passenger services from abroad. Program Manager of International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in Nunukan, Alex Arena explained that US cooperated with government was done through Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC), state owned port operator.

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