• MARCH 26, 2013
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    USCG Identifies Sunken Vessel Missing Since 1972

      The Coast Guard has identified a sunken fishing vessel missing since 1972. The Schmidt Ocean Institute research vessel Falkor in concert with Bureau of Ocean Energy Management found an unknown sonar target object December 2012. The research vessel sent a remote operating vehicle to investigate.  Katmai was discovered in 8,920 feet of water approximately

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    • FEBRUARY 6, 2014
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    US-China Air Zone Interactions Professional, Locklear Says

      China’s declaration of an air identification zone in the East China Sea hasn’t led to a “significant” increase in interactions between its forces and US military planes flying in the area, the head of the US Pacific Command said. There continues to be “professional” interactions between the two sides in the zone, Admiral Samuel

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    • FEBRUARY 6, 2014
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    US-China Air Zone Interactions Professional, Locklear Says

      China’s declaration of an air identification zone in the East China Sea hasn’t led to a “significant” increase in interactions between its forces and US military planes flying in the area, the head of the US Pacific Command said. There continues to be “professional” interactions between the two sides in the zone, Admiral Samuel

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    • JANUARY 21, 2015
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    US Will Assist Illegal Fishing Eradication in Indonesia

    JAKARTA, Kompas – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry gets more serious in eradicating illegal fishing. It was proven on the cooperation between KP Ministry with US government. US Ambassador for Indonesia, Robert O Blake, in an event themed ‘Indonesia-America Partnership for Marine and Fisheries Vocational Education’, on Tuesday (1/20) in Jakarta said his office will

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