• DECEMBER 16, 2014
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    Pelni Prepares All of Its Vessels

    JAKARTA – PT Pelayaran Indonesia (Pelni) prepares all of its vessels to serve home-bound travelers from December 15th 2014 to January 15th 2015. The firm will also anticipate some lanes predicted to have significant passenger hike. “During Christmas and New Year, like the previous years, we have conducted re-routing and re-schedule for vessels in certain

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    • JANUARY 9, 2015
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    Pelni Passenger in 2014 Drops for 4.29%

    JAKARTA – PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) recorded last year, it carried 4.56 million passengers or a 4.29-percent drop than in 2013 of 4.77 million passengers. Akhmad Sujadi, PT Pelni Institutional Relations and Communication Manager, said passenger number drop is sparked by passenger number limitation of two-fold from vessel capacity during Christmas and New Year

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    • JULY 21, 2014
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    Pelni Optimalkan Pelayanan Penumpang Mudik Lebaran

    PT Pelni (Persero) mengoptimalkan pelayanan, kualitas dan kemananan perjalanan penumpang yang akan melakukan mudik Lebaran menggunakan sarana tran portasi laut Dari H-15 sampai H+ 15 Lebaran tahun ini, Pelni mengerahkan seluruh armada kapa1 penumpang berbagai tipe sebagai altematif pesawat udara yang saat ini tarifnya mengalami kenaikan cukup drastis. Manajer Corporate Secretary Pelni Rina Trianasari mengatakan,

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    • NOVEMBER 7, 2012
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    Pelni modifies passenger ships to survive rough business

      As more passengers opt for air transportation, state owned shipping company, PT Pelni plans to modify more ships next year so they can carry passengers and containers to help boost business. President director Jussabella Sahea said the firm would modify three ships: Sinabung, Lawit and Tatamailau in 2013. “Modifying ships is the best solution

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