• SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
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    Vessel Hijackers Now Pose As Charterers NIMASA

      Dare-devil hijackers of ships now pose as business people wanting to hire vessels in a bid to carry out their criminal acts, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) has warned. NIMASA raised the alarm to all ship owners, shipping agents and mariners of the latest antics of “syndicate ship hijackers posing as

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    • JANUARY 20, 2014
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    Vessel Drags Anchor and Collides, Philippines

      Coast Guard Action Center Manila received report today that a cargo vessel carrying bags of fertilizer sank in Iloilo Strait around 6am Sunday, 19 January. Reports disclosed that MV Sportivo a 663 gross ton cargo vessel owned by Seen Sam Shipping dragged its anchor and collided with another vessel MV Jehan. The vessel which

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    • JANUARY 20, 2014
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    Vessel Drags Anchor and Collides, Philippines

      Coast Guard Action Center Manila received report today that a cargo vessel carrying bags of fertilizer sank in Iloilo Strait around 6am Sunday, 19 January. Reports disclosed that MV Sportivo a 663 gross ton cargo vessel owned by Seen Sam Shipping dragged its anchor and collided with another vessel MV Jehan. The vessel which

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    • AUGUST 16, 2012
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    Vehicle Queues At Merak Harbor

      MERAK: Lines of four-wheel vehicle crossing to Sumatra at 7.30 a.m have packed Merak Harbor parking area. Though way to Merak from Jakarta is relatively not crowded, it turns out the vehicle queues at the port of Merak has accumulated since dawn. In a matter of minutes, vehicle lanes buildup, reached 10 lanes and

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