• NOVEMBER 27, 2014
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    Realisasi Pendanaan Proyek Infrastruktur Dipertanyakan

    PEMERINTAH telah menetapkan rencana pembangunan infrastruktur jangka menengah nasional (RPJMN) 2014 hingga 2019 sebesar Rp 5.519 triliun. Ketua Umum Persatuan lnsinyur Indonesia (Pll) Bobby Gafur Umar menilai, anggaran tersebut sangat besar. Sayangnya, pemerintah hingga kini belum mencarikan sumber pendanaannya. Padahal, Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN ) tidak akan mencukupi. “Sudah hampir dua bulan, tapi belum

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    • DECEMBER 27, 2013
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    Ready to Be Southeast Asia’s Peacekeeper

      Indonesia will continue to play a role as facilitator to reduce tension and avoid conflicts in Asia and the Pacific region, as the United States and China look to engage in a heated rivalry in the region in the coming months. As new tensions emerging in the East China Sea could spill over to

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2014
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    Ready to Back Jokowi, US Deploys Its Corvette

    United States (US) pays great attention to Indonesia since it has strategic position between two oceans and two continents. US stated it is ready to assist Indonesia’s maritime axis program. Yesterday, a corvette named USS Forth Worth arrived at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. The corvette is a littoral combat ship (LCS) 3 designed for war

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    • FEBRUARY 4, 2013
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    Re-examining Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: Fewer Attacks, Better Pirates

      Along with the release of the International Maritime Bureau (IMB)’s 2012 piracy report come the onslaught of analysts seeking to explain why the maritime piracy is decreasing in certain theaters, why it is expanding in others, and where it will spread to next. The top story is that global pirate attacks have hit a

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