• NOVEMBER 10, 2014
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    Reklamasi Teluk Kendari Ditentang

    KENDARI, KOMPAS — Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dan Kota Kendari berencana merevitalisasi Teluk Kendari dengan mengeruk dan mereklamasi atau menimbun laut. Langkah itu diambil untuk mengatasi masalah sedimentasi hebat yang terjadi di teluk tersebut. Namun, pegiat lingkungan menilai revitalisasi justru menghancurkan lingkungan. Direktur Eksekutif Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Sulawesi Tenggara Kisran Makati menilai revitalisasi termasuk dengan reklamasi

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    • JANUARY 9, 2015
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    Regulator Limits Minimum Vessel Weight of 5,000 GT

    JAKARTA – Transportation Ministry obligates all vessels operated in Merak-Bakauheni ferriage route must have minimum weight of 5,000 gross tonnages (GT) to optimize berth’s installed capacity. Transportation Ministry’s Public Communication Central Head, J.A. Barata, said the regulation is regulated in Transportation Minister’s Regulation (Permenhub) No. 88/2014 about size regulation for the vessels serving Merak-Bakauheni ferriage

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    • SEPTEMBER 10, 2012
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    Recent Pirate Attacks Underline Piracy Risks

      As the monsoon season that suppresses the activity of pirates operating in the Indian Ocean peters out, the shipping industry waits to see whether the pleasing reduction in attacks by Somali based pirates will be sustained. Members are encouraged to maintain close attention to their implementation of the current version of the Best Management

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    • NOVEMBER 14, 2013
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    ReCAAP issues report for October 2013

      The ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre has issued piracy report for October 2013. During this month, a total of 16 incidents reported, comprising of 15 actual incidents and one attempted incident. Of these incident occured during last month, two were piracy incidents and the remaining were robberies against ships. The two piracy incidents occurred in

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