• DECEMBER 19, 2014
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    Supporting Jokowi’s Maritime Axis, India Deploys Sankalp Vessel

    Festivity occurred during the welcoming party of Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Sankalp in Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) II berth, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. Various art performances and foods were served during the welcoming party on Wednesday Night (12/17). All Sankalp ICGS crews also enlivened the party taking place on the stern of the white

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    • DECEMBER 17, 2014
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    Pelindo II Sterilizes Cirebon Port

    CIREBON – PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II/IPC promotes port sterilization process in all chapters located on the firm’s working environment, including in Cirebon Port, West Java. This sterilization is conducted as the form of International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code implementation. It goes along with International maritime Organization (IMO) ISPS Code regulation stating

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    • DECEMBER 17, 2014
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    Transportation Ministry Hand Over Some Projects to BUMN

    JAKARTA – Low infrastructure budget in 2015 State Budget urged Transportation Ministry to think over additional budget to expedite transportation infrastructure development. One of the strategies is to divide roles with State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) Ministry in developing ports. Transportation Ministry’s Special Staff for Public Information Transparency, Hadi M. Djuraid, said the government hands over 15

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    • DECEMBER 16, 2014
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    Central-Local Government Declare Fisherman Welfare Improvement

    KOTABARU – Central and local government collaborate to declare fisherman welfare improvement in Indonesia. The effort goes along with the instruction of President Joko Widodo to restore Indonesia’s identity as a maritime country and recognized by world as the largest archipelago country, one of which is by prospering all Indonesian fishermen. Research Technology and High

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    • DECEMBER 16, 2014
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    Pelni Prepares All of Its Vessels

    JAKARTA – PT Pelayaran Indonesia (Pelni) prepares all of its vessels to serve home-bound travelers from December 15th 2014 to January 15th 2015. The firm will also anticipate some lanes predicted to have significant passenger hike. “During Christmas and New Year, like the previous years, we have conducted re-routing and re-schedule for vessels in certain

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    • DECEMBER 15, 2014
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    INSA: Frontier Vessels Do Not Need Subsidized Fuel

    JAKARTA – Shipping employers asked the government to revoke subsidized fuel allocation for the vessels of Indonesian National Shipowners’ Association (INSA)’s members serving frontier routes. However, INSA asked for vessel fuel purchase tax revoke. “INSA does not need subsidized fuel but INSA needs vessel fuel purchase tax revoke so the price of vessel fuel can

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    • DECEMBER 12, 2014
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    Kapal Pesiar Asing Diberi Kemudahan

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Pemerintah bersiap merevisi izin sandar bagi kapal pesiar milik asing yang saat ini masih berbelit-belit dan membutuhkan waktu lama. Seiring dengan percepatan proses perizinan, kunjungan wisatawan melalui laut diyakini dapat meningkat. Nantinya, kemudahan izin masuk kapal pesiar, termasuk kapal layar, yacht, dan superyacht, dari negara lain akan diatur dalam peraturan presiden. ”Selama ini untuk mengurus

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