• DECEMBER 24, 2014
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    KKP Verifies Transshipment Vessels

    DEMAK – Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) will immediately verify the vessels operated for fishery transshipment at sea to ensure fish landing is conducted according to rules. “Transshipment prohibition is implemented to revive economic activities in coastal areas,” said KKP Secretary General, Sjarief Widjaja, in Demak on Tuesday (12/23). If there are several business groups

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    • DECEMBER 24, 2014
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    Norway Wants to Make Investment in Fishery Industry

    JAKARTA – The vision of Joko Widodo’s government to develop maritime sector attracts foreign investors to Indonesia, for example the investors from Norway. They intended to make investment in fishery sector next year. Norway has advanced fishery industry. KONTAN’s research stated the contribution of Norway’s maritime and fishery (KP) sector to gross domestic product (GDP)

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2014
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    Military Does Not Carelessly Bomb Vessels since the World Will Be Shocked

    Indonesian Military (TNI) Chief, General Moeldoko, stated TNI will not be ambiguous to deal with foreign illegal fishing vessels in Indonesian waters. However, he asked people to understand the obstacles faced by TNI during the execution since TNI cannot carelessly bomb the vessels. Some people said TNI is slow. TNI is actually not slow but

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    • DECEMBER 23, 2014
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    Ready to Back Jokowi, US Deploys Its Corvette

    United States (US) pays great attention to Indonesia since it has strategic position between two oceans and two continents. US stated it is ready to assist Indonesia’s maritime axis program. Yesterday, a corvette named USS Forth Worth arrived at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. The corvette is a littoral combat ship (LCS) 3 designed for war

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    • DECEMBER 22, 2014
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    Fishermen’s Lives Will Still Be Pitiful

    Even though the government pays special attention to fishermen, fishermen’s lives will still be pitiful. It can be seen from 2015 State Budget arrangement which does not prioritize fisherman empowerment. In 2015 State Budget, 65.2 percent Maritime and Fishery (KP) budget is for infrastructure and purchasing goods and services. Meanwhile, fisherman empowerment does not become

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    • DECEMBER 22, 2014
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    Minister Susi Burns Vessels, Minister Retno Gets Protests

    Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno LP Marsudi, got protests from the neighboring countries whose vessels were sunk by Indonesian government due to illegal fishing in Indonesia. Therefore, Retno is ready to clarify it to the protesting countries. Retno asserted everything decided by President Jokowi has been suitable with law. “This issue must be seen from law

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    • DECEMBER 22, 2014
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    Lobster Production Targeted to Increase for 10%

    JAKARTA – Maritime and Fishery (KP) Ministry targeted lobster marine culture will increase for 5-10% from this year. In this year and the previous years, the fishery commodity reaches 10 tons. To realize the target, KP Ministry keeps promoting lobster marine culture. Fishery Marine Culture Director General, Slamet Soebajakto, said Indonesia’s opportunity to boost lobster

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