• DECEMBER 29, 2014
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    Illegal Fishing Vessels Are Discriminately Sunk

    JAKARTA – The policy to sink foreign illegal fishing vessels in Indonesian waters is deemed discriminate. The policy is only implemented for small vessels while big vessels using trawl net have not been touched yet. Maritime law expert, Chandra Motik, said so far, the government’s policy is not fair since not all illegal fishing vessels

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    • DECEMBER 29, 2014
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    Complaining to Kadin that KKP Ministry’s Regulations Burden Fishery Employers

    The moratorium for vessels having more than 30-GT capacity and transshipment prohibition at sea issued by Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) burden fishery employers. Both regulations are claimed to complicate them to obtain fishery permit from local government. Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin)’s Standing Committee Chairman, Thomas Darmawan, said there are complaints from

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    • DECEMBER 26, 2014
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    Fishermen Will Reside Rusunawa

    JAKARTA – Public Works and People’s Housing (PU-Pera) Ministry will develop fisherman villages in 19 locations next year. PU-Pera Ministry’s Formal Housing Deputy, Khalawi Abdul Hamid, said his office has made coordination with Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) to discuss house procurement for fishermen. For the initial phase, KKP recorded there are 19 locations whose

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    • DECEMBER 26, 2014
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    Several Ministries Do Not Support Susi’s Policies

    JAKARTA – Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated several ministries and institutions do not support Maritime and Fishery Ministry (KKP) to eradicate illegal fishing. The emphasis was delivered by KPK Chairman, Abraham Samad, after having coordination with KKP Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, in KPK Building, Jakarta, on Wednesday (12/24). “In fact, KKP has strong concentration to eradicate

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    • DECEMBER 26, 2014
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    Cruise Vessel Visiting Bali Increases

    DENPASAR – Pelindo III’s Benoa Port ensured the activity of cruise vessels visiting Bali in 2015 will increase after official agendas were delivered by tour operators to the port’s authority. The number of cruise vessels berthed in Benoa Port will be 60 units, more than this year’s number of 49 units. Benoa Port-Chapter Pelindo III

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    • DECEMBER 24, 2014
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    Japanese Ambassador Is Impressed with Susi

    All people know the most outstanding minister in Working Cabinet is Maritime and Fishery (KP) Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti. Her style and working performance draw attention from some diplomats including Japanese Ambassador for Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki. When visiting Rakyat Merdeka yesterday, Tanizaki admitted he is impressed with Susi and other ministers in Jokowi’s cabinet. “She is

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    • DECEMBER 24, 2014
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    Government Suggested to Form National Fisherman Maritime Intelligence

    The government focuses on prioritizing maritime sector for state budget source. It draws supports from various elements. Even though this sector has not been worked on for long time, the government’s efforts to restore maritime glory are not late. “Currently, this is Indonesia’s momentum to empower all maritime potentials for people’s welfare. We must support

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