• AUGUST 27, 2013
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    MV Smart operation for removing oil from ship

      MV Smart stricken bulk carrier that had troubles off Richards Bay is not an immediate pollution menace to the coastline according to the maritime and environmental authorities. The ship struck in a sandbank some day ago in rough waters while departing from Richards Bay. The South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) informed that the

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    • AUGUST 27, 2013
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    Cilegon to Build Rp 6 B Port

      TEMPO.CO, Cilegon – Cilegon City Administration sets to build Warnasari Port, a 45-hectare project that will cost Rp. 600 billion (around US$55,68 million). “Everybody knows Cilegon has no natural resources except the sea. It can be used for the sake of the city’s welfare,” said Cilegon Mayor Tubagus Iman Ariyadi. Although a permit for

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    • AUGUST 27, 2013
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    St. Thomas Of Aquinas Captain Faces Probe, Answered SBMI Query On Collision Accident

      The captain of the ill-fated M/V St. Thomas of Aquinas (STA) submitted himself for an initial investigation by the Special Board of Marine Inquiry (SBMI) today at the Headquarters of the Coast Guard District Central Visayas in Cebu City. Capt. Reynan Bermejo, vessel master of STA that was hit by cargo ship M/V Sulpicio

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    • AUGUST 27, 2013
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    Greenpeace ship stands against Russia in Arctic oil-drilling protest

      The Dutch-flagged vessel Arctic Sunrise has been accused by the Russian transportation ministry for violating Russian and international law. The icebreaker was not close to any military or border guard vessels but was forbidden to enter the Northern Sea Route with the reason for thick ice. Russia had stopped the Greenpeace’s vessel over concerns

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    • AUGUST 27, 2013
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    Fending Off Pirates: Depending on West African States to Help Won’t Count For Much

      The western African states have said clearly they do not have the naval, coast guard or customs resources to deal with the piracy evident in the Gulf of Guinea. Further, they do not say, but it is clear, they do not have the money to do it. Piracy is now confined to one principal

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    • AUGUST 23, 2013
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    Pirates Move Fishing Vessel Naham 3 To Somali Shoreline

      Earlier today, Thursday 22 September, a Spanish Maritime Patrol Aircraft from EU Naval Force overflew the pirate controlled fishing vessel FV Naham 3 and observed that the vessel had moved from its sea anchorage to a Somali beach in the Galmudug region. Armed men have been sighted on board FV Naham 3, however, no

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    • AUGUST 23, 2013
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    Coalition Immigration spokesperson Scott Morrison announces plan to buy back boats

      A BOAT buy back scheme and bounties paid in Indonesia are part of a planned crackdown on people smuggling under a Coalition government. Australian taxpayers would purchase leaking fishing boats from poor fishermen where intelligence identified they planned to sell them to people smugglers. Under a Village Watch Program impoverished Indonesians would also be

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