• DECEMBER 10, 2012
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    Helping Hand for North Sea RoRo Collision Survivors

      The Mission to Seafarers’ Chaplain in Rotterdam, Holland, worked around the clock with rescue crews following the collision. The 24-man crew of the Baltic Ace immediately abandoned ship, outside Rotterdam port at 1815 GMT on 5 December. 13 seafarers have been rescued, four have been confirmed dead, and seven remain missing. Revd Stephen Hazlett, The

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    • DECEMBER 10, 2012
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    Why size matters: Piracy and PCASP teams

      Over the course of the last two to three years the use of privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) in the High Risk Area in the Northwest Indian Ocean has become still more widespread. The use of PCASP adds yet another cost to the ship owner’s bill and any responsible ship owner would be expected

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    • DECEMBER 10, 2012
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    Moroccan EUROGATE Terminal Welcomes the World’s Largest Container Ship

      The world’s largest container ship docked at the EUROGATE container terminal next to the Strait of Gibraltar yesterday evening. The “CMA CGM Marco Polo” entered service in Ningbo (China) on 5 November and is charting its maiden voyage from there to Hamburg and Bremerhaven, where it is expected to arrive on 12 and 14

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    • DECEMBER 10, 2012
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    U.S. Warships Sent to Monitor North Korean Rocket Launch

      The United States has sent four warships to North Korea in order to monitor a potential North Korean rocket launch. The U.S. warships are equipped with radar detection and other sensory tracking systems. This would be the second rocket launch in 2012 and the U.S. military has been closely watching North Korea for signals

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    • DECEMBER 6, 2012
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    Twelve crew missing after cargo ship sinks off Istanbul

      Turkish rescuers were searching for eleven Ukrainian and one Russian crew members on Tuesday after their cargo ship sank in a storm off Istanbul’s Black Sea coast, the coastal safety authority said. The Volgo Balt 199, which was carrying coal, sent an SOS signal at about 0730 GMT off the town of Sile on

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    • DECEMBER 6, 2012
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    Update On Jurong Shipyard Accident And Remarks By Acting Minister For Manpower Mr Tan Chuan-Jin

      The majority of the 89 workers who were sent to hospital for treatment after Monday’s Jurong Shipyard accident have been discharged. Six remain warded with minor injuries, and they are expected to be discharged soon. Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin went down to the accident site on Tuesday, where he was given an update

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    • DECEMBER 6, 2012
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    Judge Rules US Has Jurisdiction in Somali Pirate Case

      The U.S. has jurisdiction to continue prosecuting Somali pirates in the murder of Marina del Rey couple Jean and Scott Adam, a federal judge ruled. The couple and their friends, Bob Riggle and Phyllis Macay of Seattle, were murdered 40 miles off the coast of Somalia in February 2011 aboard their yacht, the Quest.

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