• NOVEMBER 23, 2012
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    Batam port expansion

      Jakarta: Development at Batam Ampar port, costing some $37m, are set to be finished in 2014, expanding the port’s North Pier so that the whole port can handle 1.2m teu a year, around twice today’s amount. The pier’s length is being expanded from 400 m to 1,100 m while the depth alongside is being

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    • NOVEMBER 23, 2012
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    BLT’s future to be decided at beginning of 2013

      The question as to whether creditors will accept Berlian Laju Tanker’s (BLT) restructuring looks set to be settled on 2 January 2013. Creditors of BLT recently voted 98% of creditors, representing 95% of claims value voted in favour of an extension on date for the ultimate vote on the restructuring. Jakarta courts have now

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    • NOVEMBER 23, 2012
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    Somali Pirate Craft Sunk by EU NAVFOR Warship

      Warships hunt down pirate skiff off the coast of Somalia, take 9 suspected pirates into custody and sink their boat. Romanian frigate ROS Regele Ferdinand, under command of the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) worked in close co-operation with Turkish warship TCG Gemlik of Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) to apprehended nine suspected pirates at sea

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    • NOVEMBER 22, 2012
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    Jakarta box volumes buoyant

      Singapore: Half a million boxes separated Singapore from top boxport Shanghai in the first nine months of the year, according to Alphaliner statistics with the Chinese financial megalopolis coming out on top 24.2m teu versus the Lion Republic’s total of 23.7m. Growth for the top 25 boxports in the world was sluggish at 4.5%,

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    • NOVEMBER 22, 2012
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    Phils – Indon roro route under discussion

      Jakarta: PT Henisca Surya Kharisma of Northern Sulawesi has held discussions with Davao roro vessel operator, Super Shuttle RoRo, to push ahead with a General Santos-Davao-Bitung roro route connecting the Philippines’ Mindanao island with Indonesia. Bitung Port is just 45 km away from Mindanao. Super Shuttle RoRo currently has 25 roro vessels operating on

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    • NOVEMBER 22, 2012
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    NATO Shipping Center: Weekly Piracy Update

      During the period from 14 November to 20 November, there was one piracy related incident reported in the High Risk Area (HRA), this incident was assessed as suspicious activity and occurred in the Somali Basin. Merchant vessels are advised to remain vigilant throughout the HRA and ensure that Self Protection Measures are in place,

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    • NOVEMBER 22, 2012
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    Russia Vows to Continue Anti-Piracy Mission off Somali Coast

      Russia will keep its naval task force in the Gulf of Aden as part of an international effort to fight sea piracy off the Somali coast, Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said. The UN Security Council held a debate on piracy as a threat to global peace and security. “Russia supports the extension of

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