• NOVEMBER 7, 2012
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    Netherlands to Prosecute 4 Suspect Pirates

      Pirates who fired weapons at Dutch marines are to stand trial in the Netherlands Four Somalis are set tobe tried for piracy and violence against Dutch troops. The suspects arrived at Eindhoven Air Base, in the Netherlands. A boarding team from the amphibious transport ship, HNLMS Rotterdam, on 25 October were unexpectedly confronted with

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2012
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    Iran Sets Up Strait of Hormuz Naval Base

      Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have established a new naval base in the vital oil tankship transit Strait of Hormuz. According to Iran’s Fars news agency, as reported by Ria Novosti, the base, the fifth in the region, is located near Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Lengeh in the Hormozgan province, some

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2012
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    Feature: Piracy trauma checks

      There can be few more traumatic events than being attacked by armed men and held hostage, facing the threat of torture and even murder. Some of the tales told by those who have survived being held hostage by Somali pirates have revealed the extent of their ordeal, but whether such experiences invariably result in

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2012
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    NOAA Survey Vessels Searching for Dangers to Navigation in Sandy’s Wake

      Coast Survey’s major survey operations in response to Sandy are completed in Port of Virginia, allowing port operations to resume. That timely resumption is proving to be vital for East Coast shipping, as the port is now receiving cargo diverted from the Port of New York and New Jersey. Associated Press is reporting that

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    • NOVEMBER 6, 2012
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    Another Migrant Ship Sinking Leaves 10 Passengers Dead

      Over the weekend, at least 10 deaths occurred in the Mediterranean after a ship sank between Libya and Lampedusa. 70 others, including a pregnant woman, were rescued. Italy’s Navy and Coast Guard continued to search for possible survivors. It was unclear as to how many passengers were onboard the vessel, or how many were

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    • NOVEMBER 5, 2012
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    Somali pirates expand operations till west coast of India

      Somali pirates now have expanded their operations to the west coast of India, a senior US official has said, adding, the issue of piracy has become a regular part of America’s diplomatic engagements with countries around the world. On any given day up to 30 vessels from as many as 22 nations are engaged

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    • NOVEMBER 5, 2012
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    Ministry tests fuel-gas boat in Kalimantan

      Sungai Raya, W Kalimantan (ANTARA News) – The Energy and Mineral Ministry recently tested a fuel-gas boat on the Kapuas river. “We are here to follow up the regent`s proposal of applying efficient technologies in converting fuel to gas on motorboats developed by the Kubu Raya administration. Today, we examined this conversion work in

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